Friday, February 3, 2012

Research brainstorm

-the human body (esp. skeleton)
-lifecycle of rabbits
-how electricity works
-different jobs
-skeletons of different animals
-what broken bones look like
-what blood is made of
-the story of crosswords
-the story behind magic tricks
-the history of the notes of the piano and their names
-famous songs
-how come people have different skin colour and blood types
-how do phones and watches work
-how does a pen work, and how to make a pen
-how does a light switch make a light work? How does it happen so fast when it is so far away?
-how does the water come out so quickly when you turn a tap on?
-how does a sliding door slide?
-how does a bottle get turned into a different thing through recycling?
-how do power cords work?
-how was dye invented?
-how does fuel make a car move?
-how do cars work?
-how do bicycles work?
-how does your brain work? How does it think about stuff?
-how do zippers actually zip up?
-how do toasters work: maing soft bread hard?
-why are stickers sticky without having tape on?
-how does parliament and government work: what are the rules and who makes them?
-how is glass strong?
-why can't stickers peel very well?
-how do you make stuff soft and hard?
-when I want to kick my leg, how does it happen and why does it work?
-how does a fridge keep food cool?
-how does soap kill the germs?
-how come a rubber works with a pencil and not a pen?
-how come a piano makes different notes with each key?
-how does a electrical machine produce volume (eg radio)?
-how do people make sound (voices)?
-how do instruments make sound?
-how do they make wood into paper?
-why are boys and girls different?
-is there one thing that everyone likes in the world?
-is there something that all food has in common in it?
-how does a microscope actually work?
-why is everyone's tradition and clothing different?
-are gods real?
-are ghosts, witches, wizards, goblins etc. real?
-what is an atom and how do atoms work?
-how does the sun work and how does it make everyone warm in Summer?
-why shouldn't water get in the brain?
-what is colour and where does it come from? Why do some things have no colour (air, glass...)?
-what is and what isn't classical music?

Previous research:
The human body

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