Friday, July 22, 2011

Professor Branestawm

This book is funny. I like it so much. One funny part was when Professor Branestawm drank the bread and ate the tea, for example. He does things like this because he is busy thinking. He is too busy thinking of invesntions to make.
His inventions are funny things. One invention was called a chore machine. There were heaps of chore machines, because some of them cleaned the floor and some of them cleaned the window. Some of them cook and washed and tidied beds.
Usually something goes wrong. The thing that went wrong with the cleaning invention was that they all got mixed up and they did each others' chore. The floor cleaning machine did the cooking, and the cooking machine tried to wash the floor and it all ended in not getting done properly and the floor got mucky. And the cooking wasn't nice.

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